Deepening Bonds For a Common Human Cause

Moved by the events and images we have seen in Rohingya, we the people of all faiths and humanitarian workers, felt a need to come together to stand for a common humanitarian cause for love and peace to come closer to the Divine. Salaam Cleveland along with Refugee Response and other community organizations aimed to form an inter-faith alliance and brotherhood/ sisterhood for communities to come together for such an important humanitarian issue, in it as a ripple, our hope being that bridges will be built, and relations will be deepened for a common humanitarian and heart-felt cause within our own City of Cleveland. In lieu, supporting a people that have seen such plight, lighting a candle when there is much dark. We hope you all will join us for this event, and we pray that more doors continue to open in the city. As one of our Inter- faith speakers wrote, “May our Thanksgiving be filled with gratitude for all our blessings — and the continuing understanding that we are all interconnected as one human family.”

With love and peace,

May we be people of Gratitude

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